
<  The Second Prize of Sci-Tech Progress Awarded by State Education Commission in 1990---Special Rupture Disk Technology
<  National Up-to-date Product in 1992—Special Rupture Disk
<  National Torch Program Project in 1992—Special Rupture Disk
<  The First Prize of Dalian Sci-Tech Progress Award in 1993 —Scored And Slotted Rupture Disk
<  The Third Prize of Liaoning Province Sci-Tech Progress Award in 1994
<  Natioanl Up-to-date Product in 1994—Special Safety Devices (Rupture Disk、Safety Valve)
<  The Third Prize of National Sci-Tech Progress Award in 1995
<  National Up-to-date Product in 1996 —Gas Cylinder Relief Devices (Rupture Disk、Safety Valve)
<  Liaoning Province Patent Award in 1996
<  National Torch Program Project in 1997—Emergency Relief Safety Devices( Rupture Disk、Safety Valve)
<  The First Prize of Sci-Tech Progress Awarded by State Education Commision in 1997
<  Past The ISO9001 Quality System Certification in 2001

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